
 My name is Loma Smith-Weber and I consider myself very lucky to be able to photograph people for a living.  I have the ability to capture the human experience and understand our need to create memories. Running a client-friendly, service-oriented business I believes that great creativity often is the result of team effort and I value working closely with my clients. I ultimately facilitate the emotional connection that is inspired, and desired, by people via relational portraiture.

I developed my eye for beauty by studying art and nature and being ever so intrigued with light. I graduated from Cornish Institute of Design, and recently I received a Masters of Photography degree.  All of these experiences have influenced how I see things and translate them to the photographic realm. I am a photographic print artist and everything that I photograph is visualized with the finished piece of art in mind.

My Husband John Weber and I have an Airstream Trailer which enables us to travel anywhere anytime.

Loma@Lomasmith.com or 503.475.0988.

"Touching Hearts and Dancing with Souls"